Equality before the law as a constitutional right in Ecuador

Keywords: Equal rights, constitutional right, human rights, (UNESCO Thesaurus).


The general objective of the research was to legally analyze equality before the law as a constitutional right in Ecuador. With a quantitative approach, through exploration, collection and critical analysis through a documentary, bibliographic typology on the research topic. With a bibliographic design of a documentary type, which seeks reflection and critical analysis, and related methods of discernment of the phenomenon are built and thus evaluate or consider new contexts. Therefore, several laws, regulations, reports, theses and scientific works were considered, with the aim of investigating and obtaining the relevant information. Some legal cases supported by jurisprudence related to the analysis carried out are shown as results. It is concluded that compliance with equality before the law in the Ecuadorian legal system with its exceptions is applied in favor of the community, as a right established in the new constitution of 2008, and as protection for citizens


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How to Cite
Ronquillo-Riera, O., Ojeda-Sotomayor, P., & Panchi-Chancusig, W. (2021). Equality before the law as a constitutional right in Ecuador. CIENCIAMATRIA, 7(1), 498-508. https://doi.org/10.35381/cm.v7i1.559
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